Rev'd Karen Hollis Minister
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Home Church 4thSunday after Pentecost June 28, 2020

Rev. Karen Hollis

We acknowledge these lands upon which we worship are the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Snuneymuxw First Nation.

Preparing the Space Around Us

Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here! Welcome if you are gathering on zoom or if you are worshipping at home with the bulletin. We are one community and all part of the body of Christ. I invite you to prepare the space around you

so that for the next hour you can be fully in this worship experience, not to keep out the realities of the world, rather to focus us in the midst of it all on God. If you need to go and get something or shift something around you, feel free.

Preparing the Space Within Us

Let us prepare now the space within us for a time of worship. I invite

 you to sit quietly, perhaps with feet on the floor, taking a couple of

deep breaths and bring yourself into this moment. Open yourself to

 the presence of God who is with us and within us . . . as you intentionally open yourself to God, open yourself also to what you need from this time of worship.

One:    The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God,

            and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

All:      And also with you    

Opening Prayer  Read the prayer slowly.   Gathering          

Enduring One, who offers grace to all who come to you, we come this day, glad of this sacred time to be especially with you; glad of this sacred time when we can set aside for a while, that which would distract us, or keeps us from hearing you; and glad to draw near to your high place of the heart, where you help us to see more clearly. In this place of rest and reflection, of nurture and quenching, and of truth and healing, may we see your kingdom so clearly that we are filled with your overflowing joy. Amen.

Hymn: As the Deer                                                                      VU #766

1As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after you,

you alone are my heart’s desire and I long to worship you


You alone are my strength, my shield, to you alone may my spirit yield; you alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship you!

2I want you more than gold or silver, only you can satisfy,

you alone are the real joy giver and the apple of my eye. REFRAIN

3You’re my friend and you are my brother, even through you

are a king, I love you more than any other, so much more than anything! REFRAIN

Prayer of Confession    Psalm 13 Translation by Lynn Bauman

How long will I feel this deep, deep sense of loss, O God, that I’m a

     forgotten one, abandoned and alone?

How long must I suffer this deep grief of my soul, this path of pain

     that fills my days and all my nights?

How long will my enemies take advantage of my woe? How long?

You, it seems, have turned your face away; turn back, I pray, and

     answer me.

Fill up my eyes with light again, before I fall asleep in death.

How long will all my foes prevail, rejoicing in my fate? Let not my

     many failings be their last and final word.

I’ve thrown everything I am and have upon your mercy, Lord, I’ve

     put my trust in you and in your loving care,

So at the last may my prayer be praise for a mercy ever sure.         

Silent Prayer of Confession

Assurance of Grace

Nothing can separate us from the love of God, not hardship, grief, distress, illness, not even death . . . not one thing, not one action. Separation is an illusion – God is with us, thanks be to God!

Peace of Christ

Christ is with us and in the space between us.  Let us share the peace he brings!

              One: The Peace of Christ be with you!

              All:   And also with you!

First Reading: Jeremiah 28:5-9  Mona Smart

Then the prophet Jeremiah spoke to the prophet Hananiah in the presence of the priests and all the people who were standing in the house of the LORD; and the prophet Jeremiah said, "Amen! May the LORD do so; may the LORD fulfill the words that you have prophesied, and bring back to this place from Babylon the vessels of the house of the LORD, and all the exiles. But listen now to this word that I speak in your hearing and in the hearing of all the people. The prophets who preceded you and me from ancient times prophesied war, famine, and pestilence against many countries and great kingdoms. As for the prophet who prophesies peace, when the word of that prophet comes true, then it will be known that the LORD has truly sent the prophet."

Psalm 89:1-4, 15-18                                                                   Mona Smart

The Psalm of the day is number 89 – translation: The Inclusive Bible

Listen for the word of God to you this morning . . .

Forever I will sing the wonders of your love, Adonai,

       proclaiming your faithfulness to all generations!

I’ll tell them that your love stands firm forever,

       your fidelity is fixed in the heavens.

“I have made a covenant with my chosen;

       sworn an oath to David, my faithful one:

‘I will establish your line forever,

       and make your throne firm throughout all generations.’”

Happy are those who have learned to praise you, Adonai,

       who walk in the light of your presence!

They will rejoice in your Name all day long,

       uplifted by your justice.

You are the strength in which they glory;

       through your favour we hold our heads high.

Our God is our shield;

       the holy One of Israel is our ruler.

Gospel Reading      Owen McCooey

One:      God be with you.       

All:        And also with you

One:      The Good News of Jesus Christ according to Matthew

All:        Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Matthew 10:40-42

 "Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. Whoever welcomes a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive a prophet's reward; and whoever welcomes a righteous person in the name of a righteous person will receive the reward of the righteous; and whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple -- truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward."

One: This is the Gospel of Christ;

All:   Praise be to Jesus Christ


Silent Reflection

 Apostle’s Creed: Let us affirm our faith . . .

I believe in God, the Father almighty,

     creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord,

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
he is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.


Prayers of the People  Betty Schultze                                                   

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial

and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power,

and the glory are yours

now and for ever. Amen.

Minute for Mission

Let us pray: God has no hands but our own, no feet but our own. All over the country, all over the world, people come together to help and serve in your name, O God. Bless us and multiply the reaches of our work, that we may alleviate suffering and offer your love in dark places. In Christ Jesus we pray, Amen.

Glory to God whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Glory to God from generation to generation, in the Church and in Christ Jesus, for ever and ever. Amen.

Hymn: O God Our Help in Ages Past                                 VU #806

1O God, our help in ages past,
our hope for years to come,
our shelter from the stormy blast,
and our eternal home:

2under the shadow of thy throne
thy saints have dwelt secure;
sufficient is thine arm alone,
and our defence is sure

3Before the hills in order stood,
or earth received its frame,
from everlasting thou art God,
to endless years the same.

Blessing If you are with another person, you’re invited to bless each other, taking every other line.

One:    The Creator’s blessing be yours on your road, on your journey, guiding you, cherishing you.

First name A-M: The Son’s blessing be yours, wine and water, bread and stories, feeding you, challenging you.

First name N-Z: The Spirit’s blessing be yours, wind and fire, joy and wisdom, comforting you, disturbing you.

All:      The Angel’s blessing be yours, on your house, on your living, guarding you, encouraging you. Let us walk together, a community on a journey, sustained in God’s blessing. Amen!

One:    Let us go now in peace to love and serve the Lord.

All:      Thanks be to God! Alleluia!

Hymn: O God Our Help in Ages Past

4A thousand ages, in thy sight,
are like an evening gone,
short as the watch that ends the night
before the rising sun.

5Time like an ever-rolling stream
soon bears us all away;
we fly forgotten, as a dream
dies at the opening day.

6O God, our help in ages past,
our hope for years to come,
be thou our guide while troubles last,
and our eternal home.